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Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024
TVTalk Podcast

TVTalk with The Nerd Element Ep 76: The Running Dead

In the latest episode of TVTalk, hosts Natasha aka Natty
Willy, Kimberly, Antonio, and MIchelle talk about the latest episode  of Game
of Thrones.
The White Walkers were the best part about the episode for
sure! We also talk TV news and go over the summer schedule for June and part of
July. Of course we go off on a tangent about the cable being expensive. Please note that most of the news
we reported came from the website TVLine and the schedule came from the site Cinemablend.com.
Thanks for listening!

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Lei June 15, 2015 at 1:02 pm

“One of the greatest shows ever and then decided it wasn’t”-Michelle. That was the best explanation for Lost. And Natty-I am shocked you never watched it. And FYI-Barnes and Nobles has the Lost Encyclopedia in the Bargain section. Even if you were disappointed with how it all went down, it is a must have.

Whispers is based off of an old Radio Suspense program. It is Sci-Fi

And still no The Wiz 🙂

TheNerdElement June 16, 2015 at 2:21 pm

I’ve seen a few episodes of Lost but not enough for me to go back and try to watch it from the beginning. Who knows I may give it a whirl one of these days. Thanks for listening! I keep on meaning to give you a shout out on the podcast! ~Natty

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