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SciFantasy Podcast

SciFantasy Podcast Ep 18: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Star Wars The Last Jedi poster *Courtesy of Disney*

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is finally in theaters so we had to have a spoilery roundtable discussion. This movie has fans all kinds of conflicted!

Do you agree with our group?  What were your issues about this movie?  Sound off in the comments what you thought of the movie! Thanks to Darth Geekonius, Jonathan Stone, Michelle, Dez, Llana, and Chris for their commentary! – Natty

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Lei January 24, 2018 at 11:34 am

This was so much fun, I can’t believe I waited so long to listen. I loved all of the different points of view from everyone. Everyone had a point that I agreed with. So many thoughts, but it will be too long of a paragraph. But so entertaining as always. I have listened to different podcasts and reviews about the movie, but this is my favorite

TheNerdElement January 26, 2018 at 7:00 pm

Thanks as always for your comments Lei! Glad you were able to enjoy the podcast! I feel like there was so much to dig into with the movie but then that would’ve taken 3 hrs practically. The important question though is did you agree about seeing Kylo’s chest? 🙂

Lei January 26, 2018 at 9:47 pm

Do I even need to say it. ? For some reason I was looking at Kylo in a whole nother way this time. Can’t put my finger on it. The way he was with Rey. I was about to take his hand and join him. Sheesh

I just got back from seeing it the 2nd time. I had a month in between. I was on he fence the 1st time. Enjoyed it more this time, but still not in love. Maybe if/when the 3rd ties it all together I’ll feel differently.

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