Hulu celebrates its slate of animation with the activation, “Hulu Animayhem,” behind the San Diego Convention Center. Fans can enter the 2D worlds of several popular shows: “Bob’s Burgers,” “Futurama,” “The Simpsons,” “The Great North,” “American Dad,” and “Family Guy.” Some of the fun includes sitting on the couch with The Simpsons, getting miniaturized and placed in The Wall, getting a slider from Bob’s counter, and ask Judy’s imaginary friend, Alanis Morissette, a question. You can also go inside the headquarters of Planet Express. At the end, there’s a fab bag of swag. It’s great fun outside at SDCC!
Désirée I. Guzzetta is a freelance writer and poet who loves movies, books, music, and nerdy things, not necessarily in that order.