Amazon Studios pulled out all the stops at San Diego Comic-Con 2017 to promote its latest original show, the new live-action iteration of “The Tick.” In addition to a panel on Friday, July 21 in...
The Tick is coming to Comic-Con 2017! Amazon Prime Video is rolling out the blue carpet for everyone’s favorite big blue superhero: THE TICK! Per the press information below, The Tick will be featured...
Note: Reminder that this recap of “American Gods” is from the point of view of someone who hasn’t read the book. Because I haven’t read the book. Please no spoilers or comparisons between the two...
Note: Reminder that this recap of “American Gods” is from the point of view of someone who hasn’t read the book. Because I haven’t read the book. Please no spoilers or comparisons between the two...
Back in the day, I used to play a lot of games, going to the arcade frequently with my friends to stuff quarters in the slots for Tempest, Tron, Pac-Man, and the like. When Atari...
Note: Reminder that this recap is from the point of view of someone who hasn’t read the book. Because I haven’t read the book. Please no spoilers or comparisons between the two in the comments....
Note: Reminder that this recap is from the point of view of someone who hasn’t read the book. Because I haven’t read the book. Please no spoilers or comparisons between the two in the comments....
Note: Reminder that this recap is from the point of view of someone who hasn’t read the book. Because I haven’t read the book. Please no spoilers or comparisons between the two in the comments....
Note: Reminder that this recap is from the point of view of someone who hasn’t read the book. Because I haven’t read the book. Please no spoilers or comparisons between the two in the comments....
Note: These recaps are being written from the point of view of someone who has not read the book. They are spoiler-free of any upcoming events, and do not go into the differences between novel...