The new film, Victoria, has a simple premise: Girl meets Boy; Girl hangs out with Boy and his friends; Trouble ensues. To complicate it, the Girl is a young Spanish woman named Victoria who moves...
Nightmare Code (2014) Fresh off the festival circuit, Nightmare Code is an inventive exercise in paranoia that’s worth seeing despite some faltering in the third act. Nightmare Code stars Andrew J. West (Gareth from Season...
Time Out of Mind (2015) Time Out of Mind contains one of actor Richard Gere’s finest performances to date. Unfortunately, the film surrounding that performance isn’t very good. Gere plays George Hammond, a homeless man...
The latest film from director/writer/actor Joe Swanberg, Digging for Fire, is a refreshing take on marriage and parenthood. The film explores a weekend in the life of Tim (Jake Johnson) and Lee (Rosemarie DeWitt), a...
Two quick reviews of films that came out the weekend of August 7, 2015, one for the family and one for adults (and mature teens) only: Shaun The Sheep Movie (2015) Shaun The Sheep Movie, the...
The End of the Tour (2015) Before his death in 2008 (not a spoiler—the film starts with news of his suicide), David Foster Wallace was one of contemporary literature’s shining stars. His 1996 novel, “Infinite...
The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened? (2015) Note: The following review refers to an early version of the film that was incomplete at the time of screening It may seem strange to make a documentary...
Manglehorn (2014) To say Manglehorn contains some of Al Pacino’s finest acting ever is not hyperbole; he truly is superb, giving a quiet, understated performance as Angelo “A.J.” Manglehorn, a locksmith living a desperately lonely...
Hungry Hearts (2014) Much like another 2014 film, The Babadook, Hungry Hearts delves into the flipside of beatified motherhood, although there are no supernatural boogeymen lurking in the shadows here. Unfortunately, the film falls short...
The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015) In 2010, director Tom Six unleashed The Human Centipede (First Sequence) on the world. It was a curiosity, more than anything; a tale about a virulently misanthropic...