Saturday, Jan 18, 2025

Category : TV Archive

TV Archive

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. recap 2×07

Antonio Jones
As we have seen with previous episodes of season 2 of AoS,  Coulson has been seen carving something on the walls, his desk, etc. Well in the beginning of this episode you find out that...
TV Archive

Gotham Recap Ep 7: The Mask

Natty Willy
I feel like several people in this episode needed to let some aggression out. Mainly Gordon, Bruce, and Oswald.  Let’s see what they were up to this week shall we? Gordon is the Last One...
TV Archive

Sleepy Hollow S2 E8 Recap: Heartless

Natty Willy
Who knew that Ichabod would eventually warm up to Hawley?  We also get some interaction that is both good and bad between Katrina and Abbie in this week’s episode, “Heartless.” On to the recap! We...
TV Archive

How to Get Away with Murder Ep 7 Recap: He Deserved to Die

Natty Willy
The rumors become true between Wes and Rebecca this week in “He Deserved to Die”. Took them long enough! On to the recap! The Present Rebecca has blood all over her. Wes carries her up...
TV Archive

Gotham Recap Ep 7: Penguin’s Umbrella

Natty Willy
We start the episode with Oswald Cobblepot walking down a street. He even has his own goons now! We then hear Mooney yelling that he’s alive! She also knows now that he’s working for Maroni....