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Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025

Tag : Aramis Knight

TV Recaps/Reviews

Into the Badlands S2E5 Recap/Review: Monkey Leaps Through Mist

Natty Willy
Written by LaToya Morgan and directed by Paco Cabezas, this episode brought cute kids in danger and ghosts. Recap Outside the Badlands Bajie (Nick Frost) and Sunny (Danny Wu) make it to Nos’s (Marc Rissman)...
TV Recaps/Reviews

Into the Badlands S2E2 Recap/Review: Force of the Eagle’s Claw

Natty Willy
Sunny (Daniel Wu) makes his escape to get back to his love while MK (Aramis Night) fights himself to take control of his powers.  Is he successful? Let’s find out! Recap The Monastery It’s nighttime...
TV Recaps/Reviews

Into the Badlands Season 1 Blu-Ray Review

Natty Willy
The first time I heard about this show was at New York Comic Con 2015 when the show did a panel.  After watching that panel via live stream, I knew that I had to watch...
TV Archive

Into the Badlands S1 Ep 6 Recap: Hand of Five Poisons

Natty Willy
The season one finale definitely left us hanging! Fingers crossed it gets renewed! On to the recap! Sunny tries to pull a fast one on the River King by giving him Bale’s head instead of...
TV Archive

Into the Badlands S1 Ep 5 Recap: Snake Creeps Down

Natty Willy
The fight I’ve been waiting for since the show teased it last week finally happened.  Round 1 of Sunny vs. The Widow.   Also I thought it was another good title for the episode this week. ...
TV Archive

Into the Badlands S1 Ep 4 Recap: Two Tigers Subdue Dragons

Natty Willy
M.K. just became popular again, and not in a good way, in this week’s episode of Into the Badlands.  I loved the episode title as I feel like it went well with what happened.  At...
TV Archive

Into the Badlands S1 Ep 3 Recap: White Stork Spreads Wings

Natty Willy
Someone actually manages to go toe toe against Sunny in this latest episode of “Into the Badlands.” On to the recap! Round 1 Baron Quinn sends a force of clippers to the Widow’s house to...
TV Archive

Into The Badlands S1E1 Recap: The Fort

Natty Willy
Magic Happens Welcome to the Badlands! Where seven barons rule; each with a loyal army of lethal martial art fighters called Clippers. Guns and other technology like cell phones don’t exist in this futuristic world. Bummer....