The Funhouse Massacre, from director Andy Palmer and writer Ben Begley (based on a story by Begley and his wife, Renee Dorian), is an homage to the slashers of the ’80s and ‘90s, writ larger...
It’s that time of year again, when the air gets crisper, leaves change color and the smell of wood burning fireplaces fills the air. October is my favorite time of the year. The only time...
The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015) In 2010, director Tom Six unleashed The Human Centipede (First Sequence) on the world. It was a curiosity, more than anything; a tale about a virulently misanthropic...
When Avenged star Amanda Adrienne first came back to Los Angeles after graduating from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English and Photography, she worked at the American Apparel warehouse as a sales...
The Babadook (2014) The Australian horror film, The Babadook, has more on its mind than simply scaring its audience. It also illustrates some of the pitfalls of parenthood, and on both ideas, it largely succeeds. Written and...
by Désirée Guzzetta Halloween is almost upon us, and for some, it’s a favorite holiday. There are those who focus on the costumes and candy, while others fill up on horror movies, whether classics such...
Exists (2014) Directed by Eduardo Sánchez Written by Jamie Nash Starring Chris Osborn, Dora Madison Burge, Roger Edwards, Samuel Davis, Denise Williamson, and Brian Steele Rated R Running Time: 86 minutes Exists, the...
Refuge, a first-time narrative feature film from husband and wife filmmaking team Andrew Robertson and Lilly Kanso, is currently making the rounds of film festivals across the world, having already picked up an award for...
Writers discuss the current state of horror literature and speculate about upcoming trends. Presenters: Bella Morte, Christopher Golden, Lois H. Gresh, Jonathan Maberry, Anya Martin, James A. Moore, and Steve Saffel...
If there is one thing that has not changed about the zombie genre, is that it constantly needs new life. Like the flesh starved monsters who stalk the heroes of the films and stories, the...